Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Chapter 2.7 - The Dreaded Inevitable

It has been a little bit since I actually really played this family, so first things first, lets check on everyone and see what their wishes are. We are now on Week 11 Day 3 in this world and I am starting to wonder if it is time for a move. I love Lucky Palms though, so I am avoiding that as much as possible.

I first find Sparks down in the basement just hanging out. I don't really do anything for her wishes so I am not going to list them. I only select her when I really need her to do something.

Next I find Asia asleep in her bed. Her current wishes are: earn a raise, see Nekoda age up well, go hot tubbing and become friends with Athene. They really should become friends again since Athene is 51 hours pregnant with Asia's baby.

Speaking of Athene, who doesn't look pregnant at all, I find her outside apparently not happy about a ghost. Her wishes are: write a book at least worth $75 a week in royalties, see Nekoda's ghost, eat pancakes and improve food synthesizer food quality (which we don't even have a food synthesizer). She also has been sitting on an opportunity forever to got to France to deliver one of her books. I'll get there someday.

 Clancy is found just where I left him, having Nekoda ride the spring rider. His wishes are: see Nekoda age up well, potty train Nekoda, improve handiness skill and see Nekoda be a genius.

Vincent. I forgot Vincent could be in the running for heir! He is the first son of Asia and Athene that they had in the past and left there till he came looking for them as a teenager. Horrible parenting! Anyways, I find him on the computer playing a video game. His wishes are: attend prom (another reason I don't want to move), become friends with Clay, become friends with Greta (which is who I'd pare him up with if he was heir) and learn science skill.

 Nekoda doesn't have wishes yet as he is still a toddler and we already sim checked him with Clancy. So that is it. No animals in this household and I am ready to play now.

Athene completes her first wish for this play session of see Nekoda's ghost. She then wants to dream about strangers, which again we don't have a dream bed. That one will be replaced along with the food synthesizer one once she has bigger wishes.

 It is still laggy even after I took out all the newest CC I downloaded, so I think a move is inevitable. I am going to hold off till after the newest family member is born, at least I hope. I do know not to move them when one is pregnant. Figured that out the hard way!

Athene: You couldn't go around where I am cooking?
Clancy: Short cut.
I decide to try to reset the town and if that doesn't work to annihilate some of the townies that don't know the family. I think I did this already though, but we'll see. I do know that the lag didn't start till the downloading spree, but now it won't stop. *sighs* I need a high end gaming laptop.

Well I total annihilated a bunch of strays and sims. I don't know how to turn off letting animals in, but lately there has been so many! Horses alone there were over 40! Anyone know how to turn this off, could you please let me know?

After the reset and the clean up, at least Athene looks pregnant again, but the lag is still there.

Surinder got married to Valera Peterson, guess the active family wasn't good enough to get an invite.

Nekoda, like so many others, plays with his pegs the wrong way. Then gets mad when they don't go in the hole.

Tick tock, seriously just waiting for her to have this baby to move them now. I don't want to, but it is the last thing I can think of. I am just debating if I am going to move everyone in the family. Probably, but it will take a bit.

Athene: You're doing it wrong.
Asia: I'm stuck!
 Another wish to drink plasma juice. I am glad she actually wishes for this or she'd die of starvation! It also has to be her panties and bra that are making her not look pregnant.

 Off to the graveyard to complete another wish of Athene's.

Wooo we are at 69 hours in the pregnancy! Come on, get there so I can do this. I am just going to move them all, friends and family alike to a new Lucky Palms and then get rid of all the others that generate there.

Get a massage was next on Athene's wish list and since her back was hurting, I obliged. Plus I am wasting time now trying to see if the lag will resolve itself. As you can tell I really don't want to move them.

 Nevermind, she is in labor! Off to the hospital!

While Athene is at the hospital, Asia pisses herself at home. She is now starving, stinky and about to pass out. Because you know, she hasn't had to do anything all day long!

Athene finally gives birth to a mixed set of twins. Asia never did show up. And now Athene wishes to get married. There are already eight now in the house, so I am half tempted if not moving the family, then at least moving part of them out. Sadly this would mean Clancy, Asia, Sparks and Nekoda, since Athene is technically heir now.The lag is getting a little better (knocks on wood) so I am hoping I can salvage this town.

Now that Clancy and his family are moving, Athene gets the new babies out of the basket. First born is Colten, evil and easily impressed. You will see as he grows up, he looks like he should of been Clancy's. He has his skintone, Asia's eyes and Krista's hair color.

 And this is India, she is insane and clumsy. She has Athene's skintone, Surinder's hair color and Asia's eyes. She looks like a cross between Athene and Cricket to me. I am not sure who will be heir, they all have a lot of the Capricious gene's. Maybe once Athene is married she'll wish for more kids and we can get some diversity.

With only four in the house it was still lagging. I guess it is time to do the inevitable. So now to do the long process of saving everyone and then going from there. I did clean out the active families inventory just to be on the safe side.

-------Please Stand By-------

Four hours later I am back! Granted my oldest did come over for a visit, but still it took forever. I am hoping the move fixed it. Everyone is here, everyone is related and we are ready to get back on track. Sadly Clancy and his family moved out and will be staying moved out. I'm making room for more, wishful thinking Athene will roll the wish to get married again. Wait.... I just ran through her wishes to start locking them in and low and behold. "Get Married" was one of them! So yep, we'll be working to complete that!

So back to wishes, Vincent hasn't rolled any yet, so for now we are just working on Athene's. Pick up India is the first one.

Aww Rags got left behind when Clancy moved out, he looks so sad. I never could get him to come back to life after Clancy died.

 Athene's next wish was to create 20 elixirs. It was worth 3000 points so it was locked in.

In the meantime, Boy Wonder I mean Vincent, wanted to learn the science skill so he started working on potions. Apparently he is too good to change into a lab coat and goggles.

Well, Athene needs to collect some shit before she can work on that wish. So off to collect! She found two rocks but that was it. So off to the store to see what they have, then the elixir shop if there is nothing there. While heading to go shopping, we spot Surinder's wife Valera, mind you this is not the same lady he has a baby with. That is Florance and she is married to some other guy that she cheated on with Surinder. Which I gave Surinder custody of Drew. Florance can have more children with her husband or the 10 other guys she's sleeping with.

Back to shopping!

While Athene is buying ingredients, Vincent is blowing himself up.

Athene meets Alaric Terell and he's single, so it is time to get to know him. She does have that wish to get married and all.

Athene: So yes, I have three illegitimate kids, you like kids right? Anyways, they all have the same mom though. I slept with my brothers wife just a couple times but never have been in a relationship. Though now that I have three kids, I do want to get married! So are you single?
Alaric: Ummmm... yes.
"Boy I would of lied!" 
 Vincent: I'm starving!
"Eat! Simple as that!"

His background was turning orange so I had to go check on him. Now back to Athene. She wants to hunt and drink from a sim. FINALLY! Not that she will ever complete her LTW, but we might get one in. Apparently Asia's thing didn't follow her over.

Then I checked on the twins. Is it dead? Holy shit!

 Well she's at least happy!

 Athene tries to hypnotize Alaric, he's not impressed.

So it is time to hunt, she is hungry and she has the wish. Muahahahaha! Finally she is acting like a vampire a little.

Oh if he only knew he was her target.

Ugh, well that didn't go as planned. I really hate they have to be friends to drink from. I'll say it again, what the hell kind of vampire asks to drink from you, let alone is your friend. Edward, is that you? Fucker just needs to twinkle. Oh wait, he's not a vampire.

She then wishes to read his mind... let's see how that goes.

Apparently trying to drink from him turned him off on wanting to get to know Athene anymore tonight, so she headed home and called it a day. She'll seek him out later! Plus she was starving and about to pass out.

Who the hell are you, and why are you swimming in our pool?

 Seriously, I just heard splashing and went to look outside and this guys is floating in their pool! He turned out to be the Uni Mascot, but still!

I would have Athene go talk to him but she is about to pass out. His name is Mason and he just might have to be put on the list of potential spouses.

Another wish to drink plasma juice.

 Vincent got the opportunity to research the science facility. Look, Clancy!

Clancy: Hello.
Vincent: Hello.
 Vincent: Really, that was it?
 Vincent: Yuck, didn't want to talk to a ghost anyways.

Family love!

New dress code? And that is Surinder's wife, I changed her hair again.

 Ah, better. Have some class lady!

And this is where I think I will end this update since it seems to be getting so long. Now for a predicament I am forseeing in the future. The heir has to complete their LTW in order for the next heir to take over. You cannot help them complete their LTW unless it relates to wishes they roll. Athene's LTW is to turn the town. Drink from 10 Sims and turn 20 or something like that. Like I said earlier, we haven't even gotten one! Granted she will never age and she can forever be heir, but that makes for a pretty boring legacy right? So I am trying to think of what to do here. Do I keep working on her once the next generation is ready to take over? Do I do both? Or do I say fuck it and move her out once a new heir takes over and say screw that rule? With the way she is wishing, we could honestly be on generation 2 forever.

I'll take suggestions if anyone has gone through this, or if anyone can think of what I should do now. Till next time, thanks for reading!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Chapter 2.6 - Nothing Going On Here

I really don't have a big update for these guys. I was playing in a different save for awhile doing the Halloween Contest on TFM's Naughty Sims Asylum and then trying to fix my ISBI save. This one I was playing to test out the lag since I knew this world was lag free at the moment. I didn't update as I go, and I can't even remember what wishes I fulfilled. I'm going to try though!

I first find Athene burning in the sun. She's a smart cookie.
Athene: Hey, I resemble that remark!
I know!

Oh yes, this was a wish! Imagine that!

Passed out ghost baby. Parenting at its finest.

Athene get's her baby bump. Maybe sometime, someday, she'll actually have this baby! Feels like she has been pregnant forever. It is just that I haven't played this family that much lately though.

Hilda fails on the elevator and falls flat on her skull.
Athene: Surprised she didn't break her face. 
Hilda: Shut up Miss. Athene. 
 Pretty fascinating update so far huh?! Clancy strolls Nekoda through the wall the feed him. I know it is a ghost thing, but still way creepy!

After Nekoda ate, Clancy started on a couple wishes, to teach Nekoda how to walk and talk. I believe the walking got done, but not sure on the talking.

I am guessing he learned to walk because the next wish was for Nekoda to ride the spring rider.

Athene wanted to learn an advance tech. skill so she rode the elevator up and down till she completed it.

And that is the extent of my play with them. They never did lag so I was still searching why the ISBI was. I saved and headed back to my other save.

Till next time, thanks for reading! I promise it will be more enjoyable.